Here's my previously featured Bloodbowl team again, this time finished and ready to rumble!
I'm absolutely pleased on how they turned out, each member a little unique character on its own and (to me at least) perfectly displaying their role in the team!
The Goblin is still in the making but will be added soon enough, I've already got a Night Goblin model lined up to become the newest member of the Madd Hakkas!
And now...ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls and every other they are:
The Madd Hakkas
Blitzer 1:
number 12 -Snarla Skullcracka
Blitzer 2:
number 17 - Nagdaz Necksnappa
Blitzer 3:
number 5 - Gragga Gutstompa
Blitzer 4:
number 47 - Skazza Spinerippa
Thrower 1:
number 11 - Longfang Lungbursta
Lineorc 1:
number 63 - Erzagg Eadsplitta
Black Orc Blocker 1:
number 34 - Torbag Toofsmasha
Black Orc Blocker 2:
number 92 - Fragg Facemangla
Lineorc 2:
number 70 - Rotgut Ribcrusha
Black Orc Blocker 3:
number 81 - Borgut Bonecruncha
Black Orc Blocker 4:
number 36 - Bogrub Backbreaka
And that's the team so far, the numbers are no joke...they all have their personal player number displayed on their shoulderpads! That was pretty fun and adds heaps of personality!!!
Bases were painted green then flocked. White chalky lines and numbers were added to get that playfield feel and contrast nicely of the red brutes!
I hope they will put up a good show for their first tournament, winning is not all that important, as long as they can bash some opponents it's all good in their playbook!
Let's put the Blood in Bloodbowl!